domingo, 26 de julio de 2009

Harpers Ferry and Tubing at The Shenandoah River

Harpers Ferry has been our last field trip this summer. It is a quaint village full of history in its picturesque streets, church and scenery.

This time we had to say "Goodby" to Darla. We had some cake and cookies by the river and thanked her and her family for their help with the activities, hosting Ruben and with all their support to the summer programs along these last years. Justin and Jara and their grandparents came along to this gathering. Ruben was asked by the other students to make a speech. Although he blushed and hid a little behind his sunglasses, he was able to express his gratitude.

Around 1:30 we went tubing. Of course we couldn't take the camaras with us, that's why the only pictures of the river we can offer you are these two before heading to the "River Riders".

We were waiting for the boys, Darla and Carolynn to join us. From left to right: M. Angeles, Clara, Sandra, Jessie, Tina and Laura

. Only the girls.

Kings Dominion

We went to the Amusement Park, Monday 13th. Janine and Tina drove us there. Janine had a lot of fun in the rides with the students but Tina and I chose to take it easy and attend a musical performance at the adults' Theater. Athough our trip to Kings Dominion was a bit wet, the students managed to have fun despite the rain in the evening. Everybody really enjoyed the rides, mainly the different rollercoasters. The girls even participated in some rides for younger children and other activities.

Volunteer Activities: Sandra's Mission Trip

This summer the students have been volunteers at Rosshill Home (Carmen and Laura), with Freddie Ciampi (dance instructor) at Social Graces (Carmen, Laura and Alex), Ruben at the Shenanadoah Museum and, as the champion of all volunteers, Sandra in a Mission Trip with Claras and Mary's Jordan Church.

Sandra stayed for 10 days in Philadelphia helping families with very low income. Here are some pictures. Sandra, we are waiting for you to add some comments!!!

Here is the Mission Trip Group wearing their yellow t-shirts