These are rather amusing pictures of our Manhattan experience:The first picture is taken in the sight seeing bus and Guillermo seems to still be celebrating Spain's soccer European victory. The second was taken at the Rockefeller Centre with a huge imposing bodyguard who agreed to have his picture taken with us. Alberto would like to imitate him!
8 comentarios:
No tengo ni idea de utilizar esto, no se si este es el lugar correcto para publicar el primer comentario pero ya da igual.
Bueno, que se puede decir de Winchester y de America en general, yo tengo la inmensa suerte de tener una familia estupenda que me ha introducido de lleno en este pais (esto suena un poco a inmigrante pero que le vamos a hacer). Este sitio es como en la peliculas, aqui pasa de todo, o no Aaron? Yo de momento sigo intentando que alguien pronuncie bien mi nombre. Gracias por perder el tiempo leyendo mi comentario
I have no idea about how to use this, I don't know if this is the correct place to publish my first comment but it doesn't matter now. Well, what can I say about Winchester and America in general? I've got the good luck of having a nice family that has introduced me completely to this country (this sounds a little bit like an inmigrant but what can I do?). This place looks like in films, everything can happened here, or not Aaron? At the moment I continue to hope that someone could pronunce my name right. Thanks for wasting your time reading my comment.
Inigo Urra and Linda Cunningham
Bueno, primera referencia visual de vuestra existencia en EEUU. Estáis todos muy guapos. Veo poco entusiasmo en Guillermo en la celebración de la victoria de España en la Eurocopa (y, además, es el único que lo celebra).
A ver si alguien le dice a Alberto que nos envíe alguna fotito a través del blog o nuestro e-mail. Se fué a Ohio y no sabemos nada de el...
Y ahora a ver si alguien lo traduce al inglés.....
P.D. Anticipándome a las posibles respuestas de Alberto, te ruego escribas con todas las letras, que si no no me entero.
Well,dear families !!!
I don't know what can I say...because Inigo said all the truth about our life here.
Here all is too diferent but in special, the people.They are really nice,funny and more cheerful.
Well,is a great experince have a diferent way of life in special this one !!!
PSD: I'm so sorry for ours families from spain because is too late and I can't thing now in spanish >>> I'll write in spanish tomorrow OK ??? and I'll try to put some pictures .
Bueno, queridas familias !!!
Nose que puedo decir ...porque Inigo ya a comentado toda la verdad a cerca de nuestra vida aqui.
Aqui todo es muy diferente pero en especial , la gente.Ellos son verdaderamente agradables, divertidos y mas alegres.
Bueno, es una gran esperiencia tener un diferente modo de vida en especial este en concreto !!
No se que hago comentando dos dias antes de dejar winchester...pero bueno dicen que mejor tarde que nunca!
Este mes a sido genial, me lo he pasado realmente bien y no he tenido ni un solo momento de relax (esto es bueno).Por contar anecdotas e historietas de nuestra vida aqui no acabaria en la vida, asi que me limito a decir que ayer aplastamos en un partido de soccer (futbol) a toda una plantiya de gigantes americanos que parecian no entender que no se trataba de futbol americano... ellos recibieron goles, nosotros os golpes =)
Bueno, dejo de escribir que me toca traducir..
I don’t know why I am commenting two days before leaving Winchester… but people say that is better late than never!
This month has been great. I have had a really good time and I haven’t had any relaxing moments (this is a good thing).
I could tell you a lot of experiences about our life here but it would never end, so I’m only going to say that yesterday we beat the American giant team in a soccer match and they played like American football players… we scored the goals but also we received the hits =)
Well, I finish here.
We have enjoyed having Inigo and Aaron this month- seems we were always together making a group of 5, or 6 or more. Thank you for sharing yourselves. we hope you take all the good things, ideas,friendships, etc. back with you to Spain. Remember it's not always fun and games here, and you all made it FUN
Linda Y Dennis
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